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5 façons de planifier un cadeau pour la planète

Dernière mise à jour : 18 juil. 2023

Nos choix peuvent certainement avoir un impact positif sur la planète, nous vous proposons plusieurs idées pour laisser votre empreinte d'amour pour la terre !

L'impact de notre style écologique compte !

Avez-vous pensé à l'impact environnemental de nos choix lorsque nous offrons un cadeau ? Nous pouvons avoir un style vert tout en gardant nos goûts chics et branchés, tout en faisant plaisir à nos proches.

Chez Séance Créative, nous nous efforçons de vous proposer des emballages cadeaux esthétiques, écologiques et originaux, en utilisant des tissus recyclés de haute qualité. Mais nous croyons aussi qu'ensemble nous pouvons aller plus loin, comme le dit le proverbe, et nous voulons donc joindre nos efforts à d'autres expériences entrepreneuriales écologiques pour construire des communautés écologiques qui peuvent avoir un impact positif sur la Terre et sur la vie de nos proches d'une manière tout aussi innovante et unique.

Vous cherchez des idées pour réduire votre empreinte écologique ?

Nous partageons ici 5 idées de cadeaux écologiques à intégrer dans notre mode de vie dès maintenant.

1. Agissez et participez

Par exemple, le Jour de la Terre Canada propose des activités à ne pas manquer le 22 avril et tous les jours !

Partagez avec nous dans les commentaires votre idée pour faire un cadeau à la planète

En tant qu'entrepreneur, nous avons aussi décidé de nous mettre au vert ! Séance Créative est maintenant membre de l'Association Québécoise Zéro Déchet qui nous offre des outils pour devenir des héros de la terre.

Nous partageons avec eux leur vision :

"Un monde dans lequel chacun d'entre nous prend conscience de l'impact de ses choix de consommation sur l'environnement et de la nécessité d'agir."

Prêt à changer le monde, un déchet à la fois ?

2. Gift wrapping: sustainable options

You can easily replace gift wrap with zero waste alternatives to buy or make at home. Wrap your gifts in an eco-friendly way. At Séance Créative we offer eco-friendly gift bags made from reclaimed and reused fabrics, but you can also reuse your clothes and create your own bags with your favorite fabrics. Square fabrics at home can actually use any fabric you have that you don't use anymore or that you still use like scarves or napkins.

Do you need help, contact us to guide you.

Never again will you throw away paper gift if you make way for fabric and zero waste for your gifting experiences ! Finding alternatives to gift wrap helps avoid contributing to the 545,000 tonnes of gift wrap waste produced annually by Canadians.

Originally designed to protect valued belongings, Furoshiki has become an excellent alternative to gift wrap. Today, Furoshiki can be made in a variety of fabrics, and in an ecological or zero-waste approach, we have created a strategy to cut collections of quality fabrics.

Share with us the experience of wrapping your gifts with furoshikis !

You can also work with old newspapers or magazines. In addition to being eco-friendly, the juxtaposition of images and colors can make a difference on your gift style. We find anther ideaas like kraft paper or fruit and vegetable bags from the greengrocer, in addition, you can express your creativity with sweet messages, decorate it with a drawing, a cinnamon stick or pine cone. Remember, giving a gift is a creative session for you and your love ones.

3. Combining innovation and values

We have many options from green entrepreneurship. Let's prioritize the manufacturing of sustainable products !

Canada, Quebec and Toronto have beautiful eco-responsible companies to discover. The proportion of people consuming in an ecoresponsible manner has been increasing in recent years. For exemple, many Quebec companies offer responsible and innovative products that adhere to much more ecological values, and buying from a Quebec company is also a way to support local businesses.

  • Find an EcoEntrepreneur, renovation or construction contractors

  • Find an eco-responsible business with Les pages Vertes, a directory that facilitates eco-responsible choices

  • Create an eco-friendly fashion style. You will find various boutiques specializing in eco-friendly creations like the handmade jewelry from FLUOLIDO ot ATOCA, a Quebec-based company in the world of cosmetics. The company change things regarding the use of plastic in the beauty products industry, and many of their products have 100% compostable packaging and others are in reusable containers.

4. Eating well with green habits

Adopt green habits at lunchtime. Putting your food in small reusable bags, not plastic containers, could have an impact on the 8 million tons of plastic dumped in the oceans every year. Here are some great Quebec projects that could helps us to make a special gift to the planet :

  • Eat healthy and live green with Expo Manger Sante Et Vivre Vert. Mission : to raise awareness of the importance of the quality of our food and lifestyle on our health.

  • LOCO grocery store, with four neighborhood grocery stores that give us a alternative to feed ourselves.

5. Review our consumption of clothing

The textile industry ranks third in the world for pollution. Reuse, donate or recycle your clothes can make a great impact.

Every year, more than 100 billion pieces of clothing are sold worldwide, and about 60% more are purchased than 15 years ago.

An impact on the 64% of clothes that could still be worn that are thrown away and the effects of the industry: large amounts of greenhouse gases, soil and ocean pollution, use of 4% of the planet's drinking water

It's with the small gestures of everyday life that we can change things in depth.

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